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BP: Easy Dialog System (BEDS)
BP: Easy Dialog System (BEDS)0.0
Просмотров: 2011 :: Скачиваний: 75
We include an excel template file for easy editing. In that file you give each character a unique identifier and enter their dialogue, Greetings, Names, Goodbyes, audio, events, etc. That file gets exported as a CSV and imported into your game. Included is a custom NPCDialogActor blueprint. You simply drag that into the scene and in its options you add that unique Character identifier that you assigned your character in the dialogue source. Your character will then have all the dialogue and properties assigned to him. This can be used for both characters and static meshes in a scene. 
PBR Lights IES Profiles
PBR Lights IES Profiles5.0
Просмотров: 1555 :: Скачиваний: 26

PBR Lights IES Profiles: 79 IES световых профилей основанных на реальных данных.

RPG Starter Kit
RPG Starter Kit4.2
Просмотров: 12358 :: Скачиваний: 1357

RPG Starter Kit — идеальное решение для создания своей РПГ игры.

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