Зарегистрировано 7370 , которые оставили 23
Хоррор Исходник Sword Man
Хоррор Исходник Sword Man1.0
Просмотров: 2030 :: Скачиваний: 117
Исходник игры свободно для комерции
MFPS: Multiplayer First Person Shotter
MFPS: Multiplayer First Person Shotter3.6
Просмотров: 8542 :: Скачиваний: 807

It is a completeMultiplayer FPS kit with everything needed to start a multiplayer game, working with Photon Cloud, has many features to get you started with a very advanced and stylish base.

UnitZ v2.4b
UnitZ v2.4b2.6
Просмотров: 7392 :: Скачиваний: 975

The Multiplayer FPS sandbox starter kit. 

This kit can help you to create a sandbox, multiplayer, open world game in a few steps. The pack also comes with several different gameplay modes such as Death Match, Survival Horror, and Zombie Swarm. You can create your world, customize your rules, and enjoy the games with your friends. 

Importance : there's have many changed in this version please backup your project before update.

UFPS : Ultimate FPS v1.5.2
UFPS : Ultimate FPS v1.5.24.2
Просмотров: 7141 :: Скачиваний: 590

UFPS is a professional FPS base platform for Unity. One of the longest-running and most popular titles of the Unity Asset Store, it’s known for smooth controls and fluid, realtime-generated camera and weapon motion. Since 2012 it has been steadily expanded, supported and refactored with a focus on robust, generic FPS features.

Adventure/Horror Complete Kit + Manor v1.47
Adventure/Horror Complete Kit + Manor v1.474.7
Просмотров: 5336 :: Скачиваний: 422

Support Unity, Unity Pro and is Unity5 ready.
Our complete manor graphic asset (50+ prefabs) is included and you can use it to build your own level.

FPS Kit 3.0 v1.1
FPS Kit 3.0 v1.14.3
Просмотров: 9100 :: Скачиваний: 975

Комплект fps 3.0-это шаблон проекта для Unity 3D, что позволит разработчикам создавать собственные мультиплеерные ФПС

Inventory Pro v2.3.1
Inventory Pro v2.3.10.0
Просмотров: 4334 :: Скачиваний: 261

Inventory Pro - это очень гибкий и легкий в использовании инвентарь, для игр любого жанра.

Rocket Jump Procedural Game
Rocket Jump Procedural Game3.2
Просмотров: 5532 :: Скачиваний: 530

Jump Rocket Project is a complete game that features a procedural gameplay based on physics. You can create infinite runner

Your objective is to drive a rocket to space by pushing it to the right direction and avoid obstacles. Make sure you collect the power ups, astronauts, and coins

To The Moon
To The Moon4.8
Просмотров: 5921 :: Скачиваний: 350

Отличный исходник для Unity!

Empires of Unity
Empires of Unity4.8
Просмотров: 4998 :: Скачиваний: 318

Хороший исходник RTS!

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