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Gaia - Terrain Creation, Texturing, Population...
Gaia - Terrain Creation, Texturing, Population...
Скриншоты материала «Gaia - Terrain Creation, Texturing, Population...»

- Define and manage your resources
- Create and terraform your terrain by stamping mountains, hills and lakes
- And then leverage your resources to texture, plant, and populate your terrain procedurally using spawners.

Gaia is different because:
- It’s standard – There are no special shaders or other tricks that could cause compatibility problems (you can safely delete Gaia after you have created your scene);
- Its stamp based – Terrains are created using stamps, which is a visual, intuitive and precise way of getting exactly the feature you want at exactly the location you want;
- Its extensible – You can create more stamps via the scanning system, allowing you to easily source stamps from terrains, raw files, meshes, or even images and textures from the internet;
- Its replicable, adaptable and rule based – all aspects of terrain texturing, planting and object placement is done procedurally and is seed based, which allows it to adapt to new terrains, and makes it perfect for networked games;

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goliaf321 написал: 20.03.2016 в 16:37
В паке есть ошибка в одном скрипте изправте пожалуйста Спам
Nexus написал: 22.03.2016 в 15:47
goliaf321, извини, но мы не поддерживаем техническую помощь в ассетах, мы лишь публикуем их. Возможно ты используешь не ту версию? Этот ассет для версии Unity 5.1.0 и выше.
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